This collection features mostly images from my forays into Kentucky's Bluegrass region beyond Lexington's suburban belt. The occasion for the outings may have been an idle afternoon or an auspicious look of the sky, and the destination was usually left up to chance and whim. Most of the images are from the mid to late 1990s. Since then, suburban sprawl has destroyed much of the region's charm. For my current perspective on the landscape, take a look at the Roadside series.
The ravaging of the land has earned the region the grim distinction of an entry into the 2006 World Monuments Fund list of 100 Most Endangered Sites worldwide. And its effects contribute to another distinction bestowed in 2008 by the Brookings institution on the self-proclaimed "Horse Capital of the World": top rank in per-capita carbon emissions among the nation's 100 largest metropolitan areas. Chances are that this makes us the World's Worst Carbon Polluters.